Sunday 17 March 2013

The Strypes

I have decided to tackle the subject of The Strypes.
This Irish 4 piece have been accumulating a bit of excitement around them recently mainly because Elton John signed them and they have attracted various celebrities to their gigs (Noel Gallagher, Paul Weller etc) and also because they have a combined age of about 4.
Now I see no problem with this so far. But I then endeavoured to listen to their music and found that they we're almost entirely producing covers of old blues songs. Now, yes, they are barely toilet trained so I will give some lee-way there and the covers are good. Good. Just good, not excellent and not nearly as good as the originals. So this leaves me confused about the furor of biblical proportions that seems to surround them.
But stop Sam, you say! They do do originals! Yes they do. Three in total, and they are all completely and utterly indistinguishable from the covers they do. The songs are exceptionally mediocre. The same, worn out blues-rock format that has already been modernised and developed by the excellent White Stripes and the less excellent, but good, Black Keys. What we need is some high quality NEW music not Elton John and co weeing their knickers about what is essentially an over-rated wedding band.
I do feel, however, that given a chance to develop, this band could become a great little outfit. After all, the musicians are great and the vocals are of a reasonable standard. Why don't we all just leave them alone and give them a chance to create something new and exciting.

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